Find your local branch

We have volunteer-run local branches across the UK which organise meetings where you can hear a speaker, network with other local practitioners and, in the case of face-to-face meetings, often visit a local setting or school.  

Branch events are open to members and non-members of Early Education, with members getting free or discounted access.  

Click on a branch below to see their upcoming events and have the option to sign up for their mailing list.  Our events page shows a full listing of all upcoming branch events.

Welcome to the Essex branch of Early Education

Essex Branch are a new branch covering the large county of Essex, as well as welcoming people from surrounding counties. We are a warm and friendly committee, with a wealth of early years expertise and experience, combined with a great passion to ensure early years remains within the heart of education in Essex.

We aim to meet at least once or twice a term for members, non-members and students. Meetings will be an opportunity to hear a range of dynamic speakers linked to national or local policy in response to members’ needs. In addition, we aim to hold meetings in a variety of settings and schools across the county with a chance for pedological discussions and networking.

Upcoming branch events

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Join a branch mailing list

If you’re a member of Early Education make sure you are subscribed to your local branch or branches.

If you’re not a member, you can join a branch mailing list by clicking on the relevant branch and from the branch page choose “Join branch” and follow the link and instructions on how to register.